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Shelby Ottengheime ’23 Embraces Art, Archaeology, and Japanese American Heritage


Discover how Ottengheime taps into ancient and family history as a muralist, 艺术馆研究员, 和人类学家 

在考古学的连接点, 艺术, and family history lies the distinctly Pitzer experience of senior Shelby Ottengheime ’23. Her multifaceted interests begin with her major in anthropology on the human evolution, 史前, 物质文化 (HEP) track—which will soon culminate in an archaeological dig in 伯利兹. 

Ottengheime will be joining Pomona College 访问ing Professor of Anthropology Arlen Chase in spring 2023 at the site of Caracol, 伯利兹, 它是已知的最大的古玛雅城市,人口超过100,000人在A.D. 650. Chase’s team will look at a residential area to compare pottery shards and remains in the different neighborhoods. 

“Even just a kilometer ap艺术, they have distinct pottery styles and jewelry,奥腾海姆说. “We’ll be theorizing about why that is by looking at the different minerals and clays in these neighborhoods.” 

Ottengheime credits Pitzer Professor of Anthropology Sheryl Miller for sparking her interest in anthropology and archaeology. 

 “她的教学方式就像讲故事,”奥滕海姆说. “It mimics how our ancestors pass down generational knowledge but in an academic setting.” 



When Ottengheime decided to take off the fall 2020 semester due to the pandemic, 米勒给了她一个研究助理的职位. Ottengheime gained valuable experience investigating archaeological inquiries and learning how to pick ap艺术 academic arguments. 因为她坚定的鼓励, 米勒已经成为奥腾海姆在匹策最喜欢的人之一. 

“She pushed me to be a better student and academic,奥腾海姆说. “她支持我,告诉我什么时候该休息.” 

Ottengheime was drawn to the HEP track in anthropology because it synthesizes history, 艺术, 人文学科, 物质文化. 

“我在思考我们为什么要创造东西,”奥滕海姆说. “This major is about understanding why we make things and what it reflects about us. 艺术的创造是我们社会的一面镜子.” 


作为艺术家的女儿, Ottengheime has found several ways to pursue her lifelong passion for 艺术. She became a Pitzer College Art Galleries Fellow to engage students, 教师, and classes across disciplines with the on-campus 艺术 galleries and help them “see the interdisciplinary aspects of 艺术 and how important it is for our education.”  

Ottengheime is also leaving a family legacy on campus through her “Meiko” mural at Mead Hall. 学生 can submit proposals to paint murals almost anywhere on Pitzer’s campus, and Ottengheime decided to create a mural as her final project for an 艺术 conservation class at Scripps College.  

灵感来自艺术家David Monkawa, the mural is named after Ottengheime的祖母 and alludes to her perseverance during and after being detained in a Japanese incarceration camp during World War II. 


“我喜欢自由形象之间的并置, 这是一只鸟, 和限制, 黑色的铁丝网图像,奥腾海姆说. “我喜欢鸟儿慢慢自由地进化.” 

Ottengheime的祖母, 今年谁将迎来100岁生日, 他经常使用日语中的“gaman”一词,” which roughly translates to persevering with dignity and fortitude. 

“如果我在学校过得不好, 她说要昂首挺胸,为自己感到骄傲,奥腾海姆说. “‘Gaman’是她母亲在集中营里对她说的.” 

2020年夏天, Ottengheime received a Getty Marrow grant to serve as a curatorial and visitor engagement intern at the Japanese American National Museum (JANM), 她小时候祖母经常带她去的地方. Ottengheime combed through JANM’s collection of 艺术 created by Japanese Americans incarcerated in the WWII camps to reunite the 艺术 with the families. 

“It was a way to give back to a community and institution that gave me so much,奥腾海姆说. “Directly giving back to my community is what I want to do in the future.” 

After the archaeological dig in the spring, Ottengheime hopes to join the Peace Corps. Ottengheime has not had much experience abroad—aside from briefly being in Vietnam in 2019 as a Pitzer College representative at Hue University through the 12-day Global Local Mentorship Project, 由Pitzer研究所发起的 全球地方 行动 & 研究. 

“新冠肺炎让我出国留学, so I would love to have the opportunity to live elsewhere and engage with a community and culture that’s not my own,奥腾海姆说. 


Pitzer College is a nationally top-ranked undergraduate liberal 艺术s and sciences institution. 克莱蒙特学院的成员, Pitzer offers a distinctive approach to a liberal 艺术s education by linking 知识 inquiry with interdisciplinary studies, 文化感受, 社会责任, 社区参与. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.比萨.edu.


The Pitzer College Art Galleries’ mandate is Education and Advocacy through the Pitzer College core values—社会责任, 跨文化理解, 跨学科学习, 学生参与, 环境可持续性. 通过遵循这些戒律, Pitzer College Art Galleries engage and interrogate contemporary and historical issues of importance to expand our audiences’ understanding and contribution to our 艺术istic, 知识, 社会文化. 通过策展创意和创新节目, 画廊试图提供背景, 支持, 为今天的艺术家和策展人提供了一个重要的框架, 通过这样做, 激发令人着迷的有意义的对话, 兴奋, ,并能刺激.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.比萨.edu/galleries 或电子邮件 比萨_galleries@比萨.edu.




  • 校际亚裔美国人研究系



